Nhow is hiv transmitted pdf

The chance that an hivnegative person will get hiv from oral sex with an hivpositive partner is extremely low. Hiv is spread by sexual contact with an infected person, by sharing needles andor. Read the 30 days to slow the spread guidance pdf, 680 kb version en espanol. The role of std prevention and treatment in hiv prevention. Hiv transmission occurs through sexual contact, vertical transmission from mothers to infants, and among inject ion drug users sharing infected needles, as well as through transfusion of infected blood products. These fluids must come in contact with a mucous membrane or damaged tissue or be directly injected into the bloodstream from a needle or syringe. Hiv is spread mainly through exposure to semen, vaginal fluid, anal fluid, blood, or breast milk from a person who is hiv positive. Hiv is transmitted through unprotected sex with infected partner, infected needles, infected blood and blood products and infected mother to unborn child. The acronym hiv stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The body fluids that contain enough hiv to infect someone are. To get hiv, one of these fluids from someone with hiv has to get into your blood. Having vaginal or anal sex without a condom or other latex barrier it is possible, but very uncommon, to get hiv from.

Contact between broken skin, wounds, or mucous membranes and hivinfected blood or bloodcontaminated body fluids. Hiv may also be spread through contact with infected blood. Get the facts about how the virus is spread from person to person. During her pcp illness, a history of sulfa allergy was discovered.

A brief description of how hiv is, and is not, spread part of the basics lesson for patients, from the va national hivaids website. The basics of hiv prevention understanding hivaids aidsinfo. Hiv specifically targets cd4 cells, the bodys principal defenders against. Activities that allow hiv transmission unprotected sexual contact direct blood contact, including injection drug needles. Many individuals believe hiv does not exist, condoms do not work, that only certain people are at risk of hiv infection, that hiv cannot be treated, that there is a cure or that you can become infected through food, water, toilets, showers and pools etc. The basics of hiv prevention understanding hivaids. Cc is a 45 yo hiv positive woman who entered care after an episode of acute pcp that required intubation and iv therapy. For transmission to occur, the hiv in these fluids must get into the. This means they cant transmit the virus to sexual partners see how do i prevent hiv transmission during sex. Looking after sexual health the sexual health charity fpa. Once hiv is in the blood stream, it begins to attack a persons immune system and works to kill off healthy immune system cells. Postexposure prophylaxis pep is a way to prevent hiv infection after a recent possible exposure to the virus.

There are however, documented cases where hiv was transmitted orally, so we cant say that getting hivinfected semen, vaginal fluid or blood in the mouth is without risk. Fact sheets about hivaids treatment information, the prevention of mothertochild transmission, and hiv treatment side effects. People who are hivnegative can prevent getting hiv by using prep preexposure prophylaxis. The risk estimates for the sexual transmission of hiv, per sex act, range widely. The following article provides information about the transmission of this deadly virus. Hiv modes of transmission model 8 you, the reader, and to all leaders and decision makers in the area of sexually transmitted diseases and aids, the results of the country application of the modes of hiv transmission model, which presents a clear analysis of the distribution of new hiv infections and its. Studies conducted by cdc researchers and others have shown no evidence of hiv transmission from insects. Hiv can be transmitted in a number of ways, all of which can be prevented. Introduction to hiv, aids and sexually transmitted infection.

When you get infected with hiv, the hiv virus replicates itself and spreads through the body, and your body produces cells and particles antibodies to fight the virus. By sharing needles or syringes, such as when using drugs. Cc is currently receiving avr for hiv plus dapsone, omeprazole, zolpidem as needed, fluconazole and ondansetron as. Hiv is spread only in certain body fluids from a person who has hiv. Uganda, hiv, aids, epidemiology, epidemic, modes of. Hiv is not transmitted by day to day contact in the home, the workplace, schools, or social settings. Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases stds can be an effective tool in preventing the spread of hiv, the virus that causes aids. Introduction to hiv, aids and sexually transmitted. Hiv human immuno deficiency virus is a virus that enters blood.

These fluids are blood, semen, preseminal fluids, rectal fluids, vaginal. Often it is seen that hiv transmission occurs if any infected syringe or needle is consumed or through sexual behaviors. Its a virus thats passed from person to person through the blood stream. Hiv is mainly transmitted by different kinds of sexual behaviour, or through accidental exposureto blood or other body fluids that are infected with hiv. Most people infected with hiv are still healthy and can live for years with. There are various ways that hiv transmission is possible but primary avenues include sexual contact, intravenous drug use and contaminated blood. Unlike some other viruses, the human body cant get rid of hiv completely, even with treatment. Weve come a long way from the days when people were so worried they might catch hiv that they avoided people with it altogether. Not only do they affect genital organs but also are harmful for the overall health. Surveillance of hiv risk behaviours world health organization. Several inhibitory components in oral secretions have been described.

The success of preventing the transmission of the hiv virus relies on. A summary of the evidence iii executive summary this report provides a synthesis of the current scientific evidence on the risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus hiv associated with sexual activities, injection and other drug use, and mothertochild vertical transmission. Hiv stands for human immunodeficiency virus, a pathogen that works by attacking the human immune system. Some people wrongly believe that hiv can be spread through the air even though hiv cant survive in air. Thus 70% of people living with hiv are in subsaharan africa, where transmissionof hiv is mostly heterosexual. That is, i take medicoscientific knowledge about hivaids i. From a mother to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. We all have some knowledge of how hiv is transmitted, but what are the facts. Oral sex involves putting the mouth on the penis fellatio, vagina cunnilingus, or anus anilingus. Unless there is visible blood in saliva, it is not considered a body fluid through which hiv can be transmitted.

Thus, of the four transmitted ape viruses, only the precursor of hiv1 group m succeeded in mounting a full antitetherin defense in human cells. Common stis are gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis and hiv etc. There is no risk of transmission if the skin is not broken. This manual was prepared by the university of california san francisco, san. Still, some people may not be sure exactly whats safe and whats not. Our detailed account of the science explains how hiv is transmitted, replicates in the body, can be treated. Patients with acute hiv infection should be screened for sexually transmitted infections e. Most regions in russia have been affected, and the central asian countries are experiencing their first outbreaks. The virus doesnt spread through the air like cold and flu viruses.

Learn about hiv, its treatment, and how to take care of yourself when you have hiv. Are you looking for factual, interesting videos for world aids day 2014. Hiv transmission and sex southern african hiv clinicians society. You can get hiv from giving oral sex if infected sexual fluids get. Hiv is spread by sexual contact with an infected person, by sharing needles and or. It is the virus that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or aids if not treated. Prep involves taking a specific hiv medicine every day.

Want to stay abreast of changes in prevention, care, treatment or research or other public health arenas that affect our collective response to the hiv epidemic. If you think you have been exposed to hiv, the only way to find out if you have hiv is to have an hiv test. In general, theres little to no risk of getting or transmitting hiv through oral sex. Pregnant women with hiv receive hiv medicines during pregnancy and childbirth to prevent mothertochild transmission of hiv. In hiv positive people, the virus can be found in the blood, sex fluids such as sperm and vaginal fluids and breast milk. There are other ways to prevent getting or transmitting hiv through injection drug use and sexual activity. Each of the very small number of documented cases has involved severe trauma with extensive tissue damage and the presence of blood. You can have sex with little or no risk of passing on or getting hiv.

Hiv is frequently spread by sharing needles, syringes, or drug use equipment with someone who is infected with the virus. Sexual contact hiv is spread most commonly by sexual contact with an infected partner. Hiv is not transmitted through shaking hands, hugging or a casual kiss. Diagnosis and initial management of acute hiv infection. The hiv test determines whether you have been infected with hivthe virus that causes aids. It has information about hiv, what you can do if youre worried you might have acquired hiv, and advice on how to protect yourself and your partners. When it comes to choosing a condom, remember that latex condoms are your best protection against hiv and other sexually transmitted diseases. Through oral sex, but getting hiv from oral sex is very rare.

This section provides the facts about hiv risk from different types of sex, injection drug use, and other activities. Regional office for the eastern mediterranean, joint united nations programme on hivaids p. Hiv transmission cannot happen through any normal activities and there are certain set of specific activities that can lead to hiv transmission. Hiv infections in many countries of this region have. Apply for and manage the va benefits and services youve earned as a veteran, servicemember, or family memberlike health care, disability, education, and more. However, due to the screening of blood for evidence of hiv infection, the risk of acquiring hiv from blood transfusions is extremely low. When hiv infects a cell, it combines with that cells genetic material and may lie inactive for years. Can i get hiv from casual contact shaking hands, hugging, using a toilet, drinking from the same glass, or the sneezing and coughing of an infected person. There is strong evidence that sexually transmitted infections stis put a person at a greater.

July 23, 2014 melbourne, australia five groups of people. Hiv human immunodeficiency virus infection cripples the immune system, thereby making the body vulnerable to infection. Start studying how is hiv transmitted learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Now it appears that hiv infection rates in eastern. Introduction to hiv, aids and sexually transmitted infection surveillance. Only certain body fluidsblood, semen cum, preseminal fluid precum, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milkfrom a person who has hiv can transmit hiv.